Full-time post-doc (3 years) on university entrepreneurship at University of Bergamo
21 Marzo 2022. Categoria: Academic job opportunity
Dear colleagues,
The “Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship” research group at the Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering of the University of Bergamo is looking for one full-time post-doctoral position (3 years) to study manifestations of entrepreneurship embedded in universities.
Applications are due by March 30th.
Find here the details about the position and application (“Bando ENG” is the English version): Bando relativo alla selezione pubblica per titoli e colloquio per il conferimento di n. 9 assegni Experienced presso vari Dipartimenti nell’ambito del programma Stars – Azione 1 – anno 2021 – I tranche – CODICE PICA 22AR003
Feel free to circulate or contact me for future inquiries. Apologies for cross posting