Track “Transformation IN and BY Design Thinking” – Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference 2019
9 Novembre 2018. Categoria: Call for paper, Convegno, workshop
Dear AiIG members,
we are organizing a track called “Transformation IN and BY Design Thinking” at the next Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference 2019. It aims at investigating the evolution of Design Thinking paradigm in relation to different theoretical lenses such as Innovation Theories, Creativity Theories, Leadership Theories and Organizational Theories.
The track is proposed by an international team composed by Mattia Bianchi, Marina Candi, Claudio Dell’Era, Stefano Magistretti, Ileana Stigliani and Roberto Verganti. The conference will be held in London in June 19th-21st 2019.
The deadline for the Full Paper submission is the 29th of January.
For any further details:
We hope to meet you in London in June!