
Lunch Seminar by Mohsen Moghaddam

The Human-Tech Duo: Augmenting Learning and Adaptability with AI and Extended Reality 5 June 2024 – 12.15 pm Lunch seminar in presence Building BL26/B – Room 0.19 (ground floor) Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering Via R.

Seminar by Glenn Richey

The Responsiveness View, Adjustment Cycles, and Generative AI: New Opportunities in Supply Chain Management 28 May 2024 – 10.30 am Seminar in presence Building BL26/B – Room 0.19 (ground floor) Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering Via

Lunch Seminar by Elena Dalpiaz

Start-ups, Hype and Morality: How Entrepreneurial Framing Affects the Moral Legitimacy of Hyped Ventures 29 May 2024 – 12.15 pm Lunch Seminar in presence Building BL26/B – Room 0.19 (ground floor) Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering

III International Workshop on Complexity

Si segnala che venerdì 31 maggio dalle 9:00 alle 16:30 si svolgerà presso l’ Università degli studi di Napoli “Federico II” l’evento “III International Workshop on Complexity”. Il workshop verterà sul tema della complessità. In particolare, la modellistica

Lunch Seminar HumanTech by Hella Abidi

Fostering Human-centric Sustainability and Resilience in Logistics Networks: Strategies and Practice 17 May 2024 – 12.15 pm Seminar in presence Building BL26/B – Sala Consiglio (ground floor) Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering Via R. Lambruschini,4/B –

EAEPE 2024

Call for abstract – EAEPE Conference 2024 special session “A complexity perspective on innovation management and technological change “ For further information please visit: Deadline to submit proposals is 5 April 2024.